The Healing Power of Play – How Play restores the Spirit of People & Animals

Genie Joseph on Pet Life Radio

“All animals except for man know that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy it,” according to Samuel Butler. Play is truly an essential element of a balanced life.  This is as true for people as it is for animals. It is one of the reasons it is so healing to spend delightful time with the animals who share our lives. They remind us to enjoy the simplicity of the moment, the curiosity about new smells, new things and experiences.  When I do healing work with shy and traumatized shelter animals, the moment they begin to play, I know we have turned a corner, and have entered the power of present time.  Did you know that rats love to be tickled?  Now that we have advanced audio equipment, we can hear their laughter in the laboratory.  And when the designated tickler enters the room, the rats laugh in anticipation of being tickled. Is there time for play in your life? Find out about the healing power of play for animals -- and human animals to make life worth living.     

Listen to Episode #8 Now: