The Language of Touch Connection – How Cuddles Combat Isolation

Genie Joseph on Pet Life Radio

No matter how crappy your day is, if you have a dog, there is always a happy face waiting for you to come home and cuddle.  In today’s world many of us are touch deprived and the hunger for kind and loving touch is very real. And so many people have experienced unwanted touch, that they have shut down the desire to have gentle touch. While gentle touch with animals doesn’t replace the need for human touch, it is a very healing experience, for the animal and for us.  That is of course if the touch is what I call “giving touch.” In giving touch, it feels just as good for both sides. In “taking touch” it is like petting on auto pilot, unconsciously, repetitively, and only takes into consideration one side’s desire.  Giving Touch is a balanced experience that brings us into a kind and loving state.  Just a few minutes of loving touch releases positive feel-good brain chemistry. Touch is a form of communication that can touch the soul.     

Listen to Episode #7 Now: