Cat Grooming 101

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Whitney Bullock has been working with cats for over 15 years. She is the only Certified Feline Master Groomer in Charleston, South Carolina, and the surrounding areas. Whitney is a social media maven with over 50,000 followers on Instagram alone. In this episode, Isabel invites Whitney to play three games with her. In the first game, "Purrrrcentage," Whitney answers Isabel's questions with an estimated percentage to gauge how pet parents and their cats perceive cat grooming, how often they take their cats to the groomers, and more. In the second game, "Mat Chat," Whitney gives Isabel a lesson on why cats need certain things "groomed" and what causes certain messes. Before wrapping up the show, Isabel puts Whitney in the hot seat in a game she calls "Haters Gonna Hate." Whitney is a great sport and a true expert in the field of feline grooming but even that doesn't save her from the online know-it-alls. In this last game, Isabel gives her a chance to face the haters once and for all.


Whitney Bullock is a Certified Feline Master Groomer. Through this certification process with the National Cat Groomers Institute, Whitney completed a rigorous written and practical exam process demonstrating mastery in both knowledge and skill. 

Whitney is the proud owner of The Charleston Cat Groomer in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She also helps cat owners learn to better care for their cats and recognize their grooming needs through her social media videos, tutorials, and virtual consultations.